Nephro Surgery And Dialysis
The study of the kidneys, in particular normal kidney function (renal physiology) and kidney disease (renal pathophysiology), as well as the preservation of kidney health and the treatment of kidney disease, ranging from diet and medication to renal replacement therapy, is the focus of the field of internal medicine for adults and paediatrics known as nephrology (dialysis and kidney transplantation). The adjective “renal” has French or late Latin origins and means “pertaining to the kidneys.”While some experts believe that “renal” and “nephro” should be swapped out for “kidney” in scientific writings such as “kidney medicine” (instead of nephrology) or “kidney replacement therapy,” other experts have argued in favour of keeping the terms renal and nephro in place where they belong, including in “nephrology” and “renal replacement therapy,” respectively.
Systemic illnesses that impact the kidneys, such as diabetes and autoimmune disease, as well as systemic illnesses that develop as a result of kidney disease, such as renal osteodystrophy and hypertension, are also studied in nephrology. A nephrologist is a doctor who has completed further training and obtained certification in nephrology.