A hernia is an abnormal passage of tissue or an organ through the wall of the cavity in which it typically sits, such as the bowel. Hernias of various forms are most frequently found in the abdomen, more especially in the groyne. Inguinal hernias are the most frequent form, however femoral hernias can also occur. Hiatus, incisional, and umbilical hernias are further varieties of hernias. About 66% of persons with groyne hernias have symptoms. This might involve lower abdominal pain or discomfort, especially while coughing, exercising, peeing, or defecating. Frequently, it grows worse as the day goes on and gets better when you lie down. At the hernia location, there can be a bulge that gets bigger as you lean over. Right-sided groyne hernias are more common than left-sided ones. Intestine strangulation, in which a portion of the bowel loses its blood flow, is the major cause for worry. Typically, the region becomes quite painful and sensitive as a result. Heartburn is a common side effect of hiatus or hiatal hernias, but they can also cause pain in the chest or during eating.